[REŠENO] Laptop hp compaq nx6125 bios zakljucan

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Postovi: 42
Pridružen/a: 01 stu 2012 19:28
Kada se upali pise power on password jeli neko zna moze l ise sta uraditi.
Neda uci u bios instalirao sam mu novi bios preko usb flopi diskete i prosao ali i dalje trazi pass.
Stariji član
Stariji član
Postovi: 36
Pridružen/a: 16 ruj 2013 22:57
Jesi li probao jos sta osim sto si ubacio novi BIOS?
Na Hirens CD-u imas alat za ove stvari.
Na internetu videh i ovo, probaj
Procedure to remove password on systems with COMPAQ password protection
(following CPQ MSGs)

1.) Unplug AC, take out the main battery.

2.) Take out/disconnect the RTC (real time clock) battery for app. half an hour (the period of 5 min as specified in the MSG normally is not long enough).

3.) Plug in the AC adapter (batteries still removed); computer should boot automatically, if not use the power button.

4.) The machine will boot and show the 162-error-msg "system options not set". Use F1 to save the settings.

5.) Shut down the computer and disconnect AC power again.
6.) Re-connect the RTC-battery.
7.) Install the battery pack(s).
8.) Restart the computer.

Caveat: All settings are set back to factory standard.
You'll have to enter a correct date/time and change the settings to your needs.

Note: pls strictly keep to the sequence.
Re-starting with the main battery and or RTC-battery inserted will spoil the job.
Stariji član
Stariji član
Postovi: 42
Pridružen/a: 01 stu 2012 19:28
Pokusao sam sve opcije koje sam nalazio na google kao i ovu koju si ti naveo i nisam uspio.
Nasao sam na netu polovnu plocu neispravnu i sa nje skinuo bios prebacio i radi.