[REŠENO] Panasonic LCD TX-20LA80Fpotreban damp
- Expert
- Postovi: 195
- Pridružen/a: 30 sij 2012 13:30
Postovane kolege,ovaj tv mi je dosao sa kvarom da NEMA BOJU.Slika je u potpunosti crno bela na svim kanalima,ulazio sam u podesavanja stoji na pal sistemu tako da sumnjam da je eeprom u opitanju.ili ako neko zna kako se kod njega ulazi u servis mod.Mozda je neko imao ovakav problem a da kvar nije eeprom ili tjuner svaka pomoc dobrodosla.
- Administrator
- Postovi: 3901
- Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2012 18:56
- Been thanked: 1 time
U servis meni se ulazi:
Adjustment Method
How to enter Service 1
• Set the Bass to maximum position, set the Treble to minimum position then keep pressing the INDEX button on the
remote control and press the down button (-/v) on the TV set, this will place the TV set into the Service Mode 1.
Key Command
• Press the RED / GREEN buttons to step up / down through the functions.
• Press the YELLOW / BLUE buttons to alter the function values, to alter White Rasters use +/- buttons
• Press the OK button after each adjustment has been made to store the required values.
• To exit the Service Mode, press the "N" button.
Imam komplet Servis manual,ako vam treba postavicu vam na e-mail
Adjustment Method
How to enter Service 1
• Set the Bass to maximum position, set the Treble to minimum position then keep pressing the INDEX button on the
remote control and press the down button (-/v) on the TV set, this will place the TV set into the Service Mode 1.
Key Command
• Press the RED / GREEN buttons to step up / down through the functions.
• Press the YELLOW / BLUE buttons to alter the function values, to alter White Rasters use +/- buttons
• Press the OK button after each adjustment has been made to store the required values.
• To exit the Service Mode, press the "N" button.
Imam komplet Servis manual,ako vam treba postavicu vam na e-mail
- Expert
- Postovi: 195
- Pridružen/a: 30 sij 2012 13:30
jimmy dali imas snimljen originalni bin za ovaj tv nemam boju sve je crno belo.poz.
- Administrator
- Postovi: 3901
- Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2012 18:56
- Been thanked: 1 time
Momentalno nemam ali cu pogledati nesto slicno sa tim procesorom
- Expert
- Postovi: 195
- Pridružen/a: 30 sij 2012 13:30
jimmy,uspeo sam da udjem u servis mod i po katalogu podesio parametre i dobio sam boju. u svakom sdlucaju svima vama hvala na saradnji i pomoci.