Producer/Proizvođač - Standard
Model No/Oznake modela - SR-2269B
Chassis/Model šasije -
Main board/Matična ploča - CV106L_V2.1
MCU/Procesor -
Scaler/Scaler -
Eeprom -
Flash -
Audio/Ton -
Tuner analog/digital -
Inverter/Backlight -
Lcd display/Panel -
Power supply(SMPS)-
Tuner -
Opis kvara i opis poduzetih radnji i merenja na aparatu -
I need a bin dump for this model of LCD TV,i hope somewhere can help me.
Thanks in Advance
Standard Model: SR-2269B
- Stariji član
- Postovi: 97
- Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2014 08:42
i don´t know how,but at the next time i will do it,this time i hope everywhere can help
- Administrator
- Postovi: 3903
- Pridružen/a: 28 sij 2012 18:56
- Been thanked: 1 time
Provo këtë bin,modeli është identike.
viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5122&p=34734&hilit ... %2A#p34734
viewtopic.php?f=46&t=5122&p=34734&hilit ... %2A#p34734
- Expert
- Postovi: 351
- Pridružen/a: 11 vel 2012 20:35
What is the suffix after CV106L_V2.1, perhaps as an example 908HI464 H or 909H1732 etc. It was written on a separate sticker in the middle of MB!
- Stariji član
- Postovi: 97
- Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2014 08:42
suffix is 909H1761E!
thanks to all
thanks to all
- Stariji član
- Postovi: 97
- Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2014 08:42
i nderuar,e kam provuar ket version mirpo nuk mu ka perputhur mire!!
- Expert
- Postovi: 522
- Pridružen/a: 11 vel 2012 18:06
Nemaš dopuštenje za pregledavanje privit(a)ka dodan(og)ih postu.
- Stariji član
- Postovi: 97
- Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2014 08:42
tani do e provoje,ju flm per kohen!
- Stariji član
- Postovi: 97
- Pridružen/a: 24 srp 2014 08:42
this dump does not work,only red light is blinking,before there goes on but i have problems with meny